Sunday, February 22, 2009

E Urf

Do you ever throw away your child's artwork? It is hard not to do when there is so much of it and no where to put it. I decided to start taking pictures of the artwork I just can't stand to throw away. I figure that pictures will last longer than paper and can be stored easier.

Here is my 11 year old's painting that she did in co-op. Thanks to Sheri and Joni for teaching art (time periods, color wheel, techniques, etc.). Here is her pointillism painting. Pointillism is a post-impressionist school of painting exemplified by Georges Seurat and his followers in late 19th-century France, characterized by the application of paint in small dots and brush strokes. I'm so smart! Thanks

She named this piece "E Urf" because when ever her 3 year old sister sees a globe or map she says "E Urf" for "a earth." Too cute.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Daddy & Daughter Diptych

I can't get enough of this stuff. Someone please stop me from being a Photoshop addict. Or, just get me a job doing this stuff so I have a legitimate excuse! I was not going to stop tonight until I got this done. Here is my daddy daughter diptych. What's a diptych? It's this, you see!

Here is my husband taking our daughter on a field trip to the state legislature. It was an experience they really enjoyed. I'm glad that my husband got to experience this with her.

Daddy & Daughter

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Families & Glass Go Together

I just love it when the background of the shoot is so unique. These were taken at the botanical gardens. They had an awesome glass sculpture display. The kids loved it. The way the sun would shine through the glass made this a dream! In the picture below we are "off the trail" and got a little reprimand. Hey! It's not all fun on the trail!!! How fun is this family? They were so EASY! I think it's because Mom regularly takes pictures of the kids. That always helps.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Girls

As I'm preparing to finish some edits of a family shoot I did recently, I am learning how to post larger images here on blogpost. I hate when I go to other people's blogs and they are great photographers BUT they have tiny photos. I just don't want size to be an issue.

Here is a picture I took of my girls. We didn't really plan this shoot. I think we were just on our way to church and I had them in fairly new shirts.